Model archives for Autonomously work
Model archives for Autonomously work/주체롭게 작업을 위한 모형 아카이브, mixed media, individual size, 2021

Three sizes of brass modules for Autonomously work
Three sizes of brass modules for Autonomously work/주체롭게 작업을 위한 세 가지 크기의 황동 모듈, brass, 19.4×19.4x29cm(L), 14.6×14.6x22cm(M), 9.6×9.6x14cm(S), 2021

Saying is one thing, Doing is another
Solo Exhibition _ installation view 아니라 말하고 예라고 행동할 때/Saying is one thing, Doing is another _ Alternative artspace IPO, Seoul, 2021

Half Side/Other Side
Solo Exhibition _ installation view 반측면 Half Side/Other Side _ ARTPLACE, Seoul, 2018

주체롭게5_카탈로그/Autonomously5_Catalogue, digital print, 45x60cm, 2018

주체롭게4_카탈로그/Autonomously4_Catalogue, digital print, 45x60cm, 2018

주체롭게10_카탈로그/Autonomously10_Catalogue, digital print, 45x60cm, 2018

주체롭게9_카탈로그/Autonomously9_Catalogue, digital print, 60x45cm, 2018

Half Side/Other Side _ Catalogue
반측면 Half Side/Other Side _ still images from video documentary, 00:05:35, 2018

Right angle landscape
직각풍경 Right angle landscape_artificial plants, paint, real time video, Variable size, 2018

Grow Autonomously4
주체롭게 자라다4 Grow Autonomously4 _ Wood, brass, stainless, steel, light, 250×240×240cm, 2019

Grow Autonomously1+2
주체롭게 자라다 1+2 Grow Autonomously1+2 _ flowerpot, artificial plants, water aperture, chair, table, light, 190×160×120cm, 2018

Grow Autonomously2
주체롭게 자라다2 Grow Autonomously2 _ flowerpot, artificial plants, water aperture, chair, light, 170x150x90cm, 2017 still images from installation

Grow Autonomously1
주체롭게 자라다1 Grow Autonomously1 _ flowerpot, artificial plants, water aperture, table, light, 110x120x100cm, 2017 still images from installation

Grow Autonomously_Rainbow Direction 3-1
Grow Autonomously_Rainbow Direction 3-1_ceramic plates, stainless steel_80×66×7cm_2018Grow Autonomously_Rainbow Direction 3_ceramic plates, stainless steel_80×66×4cm_2017

Grow Autonomously_Rainbow Direction 7
Grow Autonomously_Rainbow Direction 7_ceramic plates, stainless steel_63×63×3cm_2018