Author Archives: Cheonwook Park


무제 Untitled_plastic, 70 x 70 x 90 cm, 2009


 무제 Untitled_plastic, 50 x 50 x 15 cm, 2011


방수 Watertight_pigment print, 40 x 50 cm x 2 pcs, 2011


무제 Untitled_pigment print, 100 x 63 cm x 2 pcs, 2011

Wash up skyblue

하늘세수 Wash up skyblue_pigment print, 72 x 100 cm x 2 pcs, 2011


무제 Untitled _ pigment print, 100 x 65 cm x 2 pcs, 2011

Spring up project part1-Rainbow Direction

           Group Exhibition _ installation view 스프링업 프로젝트 Spring up project part1-Rainbow Direction _ Gallery Space Can, Seoul, 2012

Circle boy

덩그라미 Circle boy _ pigment print, 95 x 120 cm x 2 pcs, 2009 덩그라미 Circle boy_pigment print, 120 x 95 cm, 2009

Circle boy

덩그라미 Circle boy_pigment print, 95 x 120 cm, 2009 덩그라미 Circle boy_mixed media, 90 x 90 x 130 cm, 2009


무제 Untitled_light, chair, 20 x 30 x 30 cm, 2007

Alaska zebra

알라스카 지브라 Alaska zebra _ pigment print, 150 x 120 cm, 2009 알라스카지브라 Alaska zebra_mixed media, 120 x 170 x 120 cm, 2009

Alaska zebra

알라스카 지브라 Alaska zebra _ pigment print, 150 x 120 cm, 2009

Alaska zebra

알라스카지브라 Alaska zebra_pigment print, 120 x 140 cm, 2009 알라스카지브라 Alaska zebra_mixed media, 120 x 170 x 120 cm, 2009 알라스카지브라 Alaska zebra_process, 2009


Solo Exhibition _ installation view 알라스카지브라 ALASKA ZEBRA _ Gallery kunst Doc, Seoul, 2009


Solo Exhibition _ installation view 알라스카지브라 ALASKA ZEBRA _ Gallery kunst Doc, Seoul, 2009

A hand held out between vanilla flavoured tracing papers

바닐라 습자지 사이로 내민 손 A hand held out between vanilla flavoured tracing papers _ pigment print, 84 x 60 cm x 3 pcs, 2008

A hand held out between vanilla flavoured tracing papers

바닐라 습자지 사이로 내민 손 A hand held out between vanilla flavoured tracing papers _ pigment print, 84 x 60 cm x 2 pcs, 2008 바닐라 습자지 사이로 내민 손 A hand held out between vanilla flavoured tracing papers _

A miniature that I wish to submit for ‘The sculpture projects münster’

뮌스터 조각 프로젝트 참가희망 미니어쳐 A miniature that I wish to submit for ‘The sculpture projects münster’_pigment print, 60 x 40 cm x 2pcs, 2008 뮌스터 조각 프로젝트 참가희망 미니어쳐 A miniature that I wish to submit for ‘The sculpture

The moment of reconciliation

Solo Exhibition _ installation view 바닐라 습자지사이로 내민 손 The moment of reconciliation _ Gallery boda, Seoul, 2009

Mom, I am studying hard

엄마, 아들은 공부 열심히 하고 있어요 Mom, I am studying hard_pigment print, 60 x 90 cm x 3pcs, 2008

Thinking about village

동네생각 Thinking about village_pigment print, 60 x 40 cm, 2007

Sahara goldfish

사하라금붕어 Sahara goldfish_pigment print, 84 x 60 cm x 3 pcs, 2008 사하라금붕어 Sahara goldfish_mixed media, 100 x 90 x 110 cm, 2008


Group Exhibition _ installation view 아시아프 ASYAAF, Asia student and Young artists art festival _ Old Seoul Station, Seoul, 2008

House cleaning

대청소 House cleaning_wrap, cleaning equipments, X-ray, 100 x 190 x 100 cm, 2006

I will clean it up someday

언젠가는 청소 하겠어요 I will clean it up someday_wrap, cleaning equipments, 300 x 160 x 100 cm, 2006